Thursday, June 5, 2008


wow this city is fucking INCREDIBLE, i thought barcelona was my favorite city, but man madrid is just over the top. We ended up getting in at like 4pm and decided later that evening that we should go out. I had some friends from school here visiting so we ended up goign out with them in a huge group. Funny story, at the first bar i was at, we were ordering rounds for eachother. one person would buy 3 beers and 3 shots then the next and so on and so on. the third one, im not even drunk, for some reason we get shots of SCOTCH. now i dont know about most college kids, but i know i for one am not a fan. So i take the shot and it went down the wrong tube or some shit, and i proceeded to projectile vomit all over the bartender and the bar. whats even funnier is i didnt even get kicked out, the bartender gave me a look straight out of happy gilmore (grizzly adams) shaking his head and i continued to hang out! we stayed out till about 3 and headed home, this city is so clean, well lit, i love everything about it. Tonight we are going to Pacha which is a super club with like 6 floors that originated in Ibiza. We got some real Churros and Hot Chocolate today which was so fucking chocolatey i thought i was going to throw up. Our hostel is pretty small but it has the perfect location. I just booked a hostel for Seville tomorrow, Kaelyn and I will be there till sunday, and the hostel we are staying at has a rooftop pool so im pretty pumped, i am gunna bring my laptop to Seville for shits and giggles as there will be WiFi access so expect another update soon.

heres a picture from my hostel terrace, which is pretty badass the fact that we have a terrace!

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