Monday, June 23, 2008

Toe Lee Doh

so our third and final day trip of the program has come and gone. I didn’t really enjoy Toledo to tell you the truth, same old buildings, different city name. It wasn’t even close to as cool as Segovia. The one thing Toledo is known for, is its swords. Apparently any movie sword prop ever made was made in Toledo, so the streets are just littered with sword shops, from 15 euros all the way to thousands of euros. I really really really wanted to get one but it just didn’t make any sense considering I would be traveling for another 2 months and its kinda hard to lug a giant sword around. There happened to be a temporary exposition there on various devices of torture. We headed to this exposistion and I was pleasantly surprised. There were all your standard torture machines and more, all the explanations were in English and were very graphic, I really enjoyed it. After that we headed back to the plaza mayor to do what we had came to do, the segway tour. Oh man are these things fun. They are so agile and easy to control and you can really get some speed on them. The tour was short but I had sooooo much fun just zooming around on those little things, I wish you could lease one for a year, what a fun way to get around campus that would be.

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